


Arnoldus Anthonie Bredius, Schetsen van een leven

Theo Jansen werpt in dit boek licht op de achtergronden, ervaringen en drijfveren van Arnold Bredius en legt de puzzelstukjes aaneen die het leven schetsen van een man die ondanks het onbegrip en soms de onwil die hij ontmoette geduldig trouw bleef aan zijn principes en idealen. 

De auteur Theo Jansen (1945) studeerde culturele antropologie aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Hij doceerde en publiceerde over onderwijs en maatschappelijke vorming en promoveerde op een proefschrift over volwassenenvorming in tijden van globalisering.

Het boek is à € 15 bij de A.A. Brediusstichting te bestellen via


Byzantine Musicology

Publications by the A.A. Bredius Foundation

Copies can be ordered from the publisher

Rhythm in Byzantine Chant: Acta of the Congress held at Hernen Castle in November 1986, ed. Christian Hannick (Hernen, The Netherlands, 1991), 201 pp. ISBN 90 71333 03 5. Price   17,-


emp 1

The Latin Empire: Some Contributions

The Latin Empire: Some Contributions, ed. K.N. Ciggaar and V.D. van Aalst (Hernen, 1990), XVII, 163 pp., ISBN 90-71333-02-7. Price   17,-


Palaeobyzantine Notations I-II

Palaeobyzantine Notations: A Reconsideration of the Source Material, edited by Jørgen Raasted and Christian Troelsgård (Hernen, the Netherlands, 1995), pp. vii + 172, includes many musical examples and indices, ISBN 90-71333-04-3. Price   23,-

Palaeobyzantine Notations II: Acta of the Congress Held at Hernen Castle (The Netherlands) in October 1999, ed. Christian Troelsgård in collaboration with Gerda Wolfram (Hernen, the Netherlands, 1999), pp.viii +180, including many musical examples, format 29,5 x 21. ISBN 90-71333-05-1. Price   37,-



East and West in the Crusader States. Context – Contacts – Confrontations I
Acta of the Congress Held at Hernen Castle in May 1993

Series:  Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 75
Editors:  Ciggaar K.Teule H.G.B.Davids A

This work, the Acta of the colloquium of the same name held in Hernen (Netherlands), is a collection of essays dealing with the relations between East and West in the context of the Crusader States. In this connection “East” refers in particular to the non-Byzantine Oriental Christians, Muslims and Jews who set the tone for daily life in “Outremer” to a great extent. Attention is focused upon the relations between the various communities, the social position of the minorities, and religious and cultural, especially literary, contacts and influences. With contributions by B. Hamilton, A. Davids, S. Schein, E. van Donzel, D. Jackson, R. Van Leeuwen, J. Weitenberg, H. Teule, K. Ciggaar, W. Aerts, J. Lafontaine, Indices.

Year: 1996
ISBN: 978-90-6831-792-3
Pages: XIV-203 p.

East and West in the Crusader States. Context – Contacts – Confrontations II
Acta of the Congress Held at Hernen Castle in May 1997

Series:  Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 92
Editors:  Ciggaar K.Teule H.G.B.

The meeting of East and West in the Crusader States was the theme of a symposium held at Hernen Castle in 1997. It was the continuation of a similar symposium which has been published in the Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 75. Various communities (Arabs, Armenians, Ethiopians, Greeks, Syrians and Latins) and various religions (the Church of Rome, the Orthodox Church of Constantinople, the Jacobites, the Muslims and others) play their part in the various Crusader States, sometimes in the effort to ecumenism, sometimes in the form of confrontations. Coins and seals in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem betray Eastern and Western influences. Daily life is reflected in historical texts, and in exempla and miracula. The fall of Edessa is described in the Lament of Edessa by Nerses Snorhali, which is here for the first time translated into English. Even icon-painting in Egypt reflects crusader influence.

Year: 1999
ISBN: 978-90-429-0786-7
Pages: XIV-219 p.

East and West in the Crusader States. Context – Contacts – Confrontations III
Acta of the congress held at Hernen Castle in September 2000

Series:  Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 125
Editors: Ciggaar K.Teule H.G.B.

This is the third volume of the acta of a series of symposia held in Hernen Castle (Netherlands). Two earlier volumes were published under the same title «East and West in the Crusader States: Context – Contacts – Confrontations» (I and II, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 78 and 92). Cultural, social and religious contacts took place in the multi-ethnic society in Outremer. The various articles deal with religious and cultural encounters in the Crusader States where Byzantines, Syrian Orthodox, Georgians, Muslims, the Military Orders and many others met almost daily. Ethnographic attitudes, money changing hands, pilgrims’ accommodation, icons and other forms of religious art are discussed here. Confrontation took place when new expeditions were organised (Alexandrian Crusade). The history of the Latin States is discussed in the context of Byzantine and Western sources. The first English translation of Constantine Manasses’ «Hodoiporikon» is published in this volume.

Year: 2003
ISBN: 978-90-429-1287-8
Pages: XIV-297 p.


East and West in the Middle Ages

East and West in the Middle Ages: Aspects of Art and Culture in the Ottonian Era, ed. K.N. Ciggaar and V.D. van Aalst (Hernen, 1986) (no longer for sale)